Although the self-healing capacity of your body is significant, there are times when it may not resolve something on its own and the assistance of a body-oriented therapist is necessary. We tend to focus on what our mind tells us but we often neglect our bodies. It is in our bodies where we store the stressful information experienced during overwhelming situations.

Myofascial Energetic Release (MER)
This is a body-oriented form of trauma therapy. It is an integrative, profound form of emotional bodywork. You learn to create space to be present in your body, relax into it, get to know it, and learn to follow the information your body provides. Through safe touch, we systematically navigate back inwards, to the places where pain and trauma are stored, particularly in the fascia (connective tissue). This is where frozen movement can be melted and discharged. Only when your body feels safe again can your brain also feel safe. Using breathwork and discharge exercises, we repeatedly reconnect with the stored tensions or traumas in your body. Step by step, at your pace, we integrate the overwhelming experience stored in your body from the past. This intervention has the ability to alleviate both acute and chronic physical pain while simultaneously addressing the somatic expressions of emotional and mental pain. You are invited to be proactive in this session.
The underlying concept of this integrative approach is based on the idea that psychological tensions are physically experienced: body and mind influence each other. You learn to accept emotions that have been blocked for years and appreciate their positive function. From this acceptance, frozen emotional pain will melting.

Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
This is another body-oriented method that provides in releasing deep-seated muscle tension caused by exertion, stress, or trauma. Through a natural tremor mechanism in muscle and connective tissue, tension is discharged, making room for recovery and resilience.
Almost everyone is familiar with the spontaneous tremors and movements of the body after an intense event or severe stress. Often, these tremors are perceived as troublesome and futile, and we try to suppress them. Dr. David Berceli, the founder of TRE, discovered that these tremors are crucial for releasing tension in the body and restoring in a calm way the nervous system. Trembling is not part of the problem but part of the solution. It is our natural recovery reflex. The muscle tremors initiated with TRE are generally experienced as pleasant and relaxing but can also evoke emotions. It is a method for healthy emotional self-regulation. When taught correctly, you can use it independently as needed, giving you control over your own stress regulation.
We conclude this session with various Qi Gong exercises. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese movement practice aimed at maintaining or achieving health. Each exercise is designed to allow the life energy to flow, restoring and promoting balance in body and mind. The calming and slow meditative movements help you better integrating the emotions experienced during the TRE.